Beyond the stilt houses, fill up your itinerary with these gems! 

Located at the shore of Lantau Island, Tai O remains one of the most well-preserved historical village in Hong Kong. There are more than stilt houses in this quiet village!  Tai O is also home to a series of exceptional features hidden in different corners if you know where to find them. Join us on a short day trip to capture all these local beauties of Tai O to fill up your travel itinerary!



Not just your regular store fronts!

Most part of Tai O remains its century-old facade that can no longer be seen in the metropolitan side of Hong Kong! This checkpoint is probably one of the easiest ones to start your day trip!



Tokyo Stall? In Tai O?

On to the next check point for our day trip, Tokyo Stall stands beside the quiet Kat Hing Street. Don’t be tricked by its name! It doesn’t actually have anything to do with Tokyo and you’re still here in Tai O! This is a store full of intriguing stories. From the two cutouts of twins in bikini outside the store, to Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs behind the wired fence, everything in Tokyo Stall have a story of their own.



Tai O Community Centre

Shows and activities are rarely held in the Tai O Community Centre nowadays. But the historical outlook is still a great spot if you want to take a picture to leave yourself a memoir for your day trip.



Flanhardt Galerie und Atelier

On the other end of Tai O, you might be able to find Flanhardt Galerie und Atelier hiding in the midst of some humbly simple residential houses if you are well-spotted enough. In the B flat of Tai O Villa, Flanhardt Galerie und Atelier awaits its next appreciative visitor! Make it an item on the checklist if you are interested in some artistic time for your day trip.



Sun Ki Bridge


For one of the most iconic sceneries for this day trip checklist, Tai O is connected by two major bridges. Sun Ki Bridge is located at the end of Kat Hing Street. The red beams are the most prominent feature of Sun Ki Bridge. Nothing screams fishery village more than a bridge fenced with fishnets!



Wang Shui Bridge

The other bridge connecting Tai O is the Wang Shui Bridge. Unlike Sun Ki Bridge, this one is recognizable by its blue beams. Get an eyeful of the “Venice of Hong Kong” from over the bridge!



Stilt House

Quite a cliched spot, but stilt house is undoubtedly the starring role of Tai O and a scene that you simply can’t miss out on for a memorable day trip in Tai O. Its one-of-a-kind historical uniqueness makes it the only place in the world where you can see this kind of spectacular houses. Most of them are still inhabited till this day!



Nothing better than a bunch of delicious local street food after an eventful day trip.  Go crazy and try out all the local street snacks here in Tai O! Don’t miss out on our recommendations! Click here to find out more!

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