聖誕好去處2024 | 全港特色聖誕市集+派對場地+豪華露營車合集
聖誕節就嚟到,唔知大家諗好去邊玩未呢?仲未plan都唔緊要~ Holimood 小編為大家搵嚟7個精彩嘅節目同活動場地,有聖誕市集、聖誕花圈工作坊、staycation 、露營等等,包你過一個暖笠笠又充滿聖誕氣氛嘅冬日假期!
聖誕節就嚟到,唔知大家諗好去邊玩未呢?仲未plan都唔緊要~ Holimood 小編為大家搵嚟7個精彩嘅節目同活動場地,有聖誕市集、聖誕花圈工作坊、staycation 、露營等等,包你過一個暖笠笠又充滿聖誕氣氛嘅冬日假期!
When it comes to the most classic road trip route in the southern area of Hong Kong Island, it is “Deep and Shallow Cliff”, but there is no parking place on the route, and it is more difficult to park low and enjoy the scenery. Holimood has selected some road trip tour routes in the southern area that can be parked and enjoy the scenery to recommend than everyone, and then get off the car and sigh slowly~